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Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub . The PAN Client needs to know that the server it tries to connect to actually offers the PAN service. Using Bluetooth LE with Go Golang Gatt is a Go package which provides developers to create BLE applications for Linux and OS X. This is primarily used for data sensing and not intended for continuous data rate applications such as streaming audio or video. The actual length of the payload is defined by the 6 bit Length field in the header of the Advertising Channel PDU. An important concept to understand with GATT is the server client relationship.

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Their novelty means that getting a teddy bear puppy costs BIG bucks. Overall, the breed is quickly winning hearts and gaining fans worldwide because of their docile dispositions. The gene pool of teddy bear dogs includes contributions from 3 breeds Shih Tzu, Poodle, and Bichon Fris. Any three of these dogs in any combination make for ideal parents. Breeding experiments are continually attempting to achieve the best temperament and character traits. You may have Yorkies or Schnauzers added to the lineage in various combinations. There are first generation and second generation teddy bear dogs. A first generation puppy is when an AKC registered purebred such as a Shih Tzus and a Bichons mate. Bichon Poodle mixes are bred with Shih Tzus. The 2nd generation of teddy bear dogs has one parent as another teddy bear dog, while the other parent can be any one of the 3 from the selected gene pool. So you can either have a Bichon Poo and Teddy Bear dog mix or Shih Tzu and Teddy Bear dog mix.

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In his book, Nye argues that soft power is a more difficult instrument for governments to wield than hard power for two reasons: many of its critical resources are outside the control of governments, and soft power tends to "work indirectly by shaping the environment for policy, and sometimes takes years to produce the desired outcomes. " The book identifies three broad categories of soft power: "culture", "political values", and "policies. "In The Future of Power 2011, Nye reiterates that soft power is a descriptive, rather than a normative, concept. Therefore, soft power can be wielded for nefarious purposes. "Hitler, Stalin, and Mao all possessed a great deal of soft power in the eyes of their acolytes, but that did not make it good. It is not necessarily better to twist minds than to twist arms. " Nye also claims that soft power does not contradict the international relations theory of realism. "Soft power is not a form of idealism or liberalism. It is simply a form of power, one way of getting desired outcomes. "Soft power has been criticized as being ineffective by authors such as Niall Ferguson in the preface to Colossus. Neorealist and other rationalist and neorationalist authors with the exception of Stephen Walt dismiss soft power out of hand as they assert that actors in international relations respond to only two types of incentives: economic incentives and force.

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The title tag is very important. Why?Because search engines not only give it value in relation to optimization, SEs use it in their search results. Search on ANY search engine, and youll see the content of this tag used in the anchor text of the links for each web site. Here is a little experiment. Follow the Google link opens in a new window and take a look. Google ExperimentThere are 28,100,000+ pages in Google with the title tag Untitled Document So most of the web page links displayed are Untitled Document. Why?Because who ever built these web pages used an editing program that adds the title tag, and they never changed the title text which is certainly poor marketing. So what should be in the title tag?The name of your business or web site with the keyword phrase you are targeting. For example, your business sells watches. This is a broad search term and using it alone my not work out for you. There are 42,500,000 estimated search results in Google.

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