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Cette exception atteste que de faon ancienne avant mme l'an mil, les navigateurs polynsiens ont touch l'Amrique du Sud et en ont ramen la patate douce. La question du peuplement de l'Ocanie a suscit ds la fin du XVIIIe sicle un certain nombre de thories, aujourd'hui abandonnes. L'une des premires explications donnes pour expliquer le peuplement de l'Ocanie fut celle de l'existence d'un continent englouti, la Pacifide , pendant mythique de l'Atlantide. Selon cette thse, les Ocaniens seraient les descendants des habitants de ce continent aujourd'hui disparu duquel il ne subsisterait que quelques sommets mergs : les les du Pacifique. Cette thorie est pour la premire fois retrouve chez le naturaliste de la troisime circumnavigation de James Cook, James Forster. Elle est par la suite reprise dans l'ouvrage du belgo franais Jacques Antoine Moerenhout Voyage aux les du grand ocan 1837.

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The grade point average andclass rank shall be calculated by a standard method to be devised by theinstitutions of higher education. The Board of Governorsshall further ensure that the agreement is applied consistently among theconstituent institutions. The University of North Carolina and the North CarolinaCommunity College System shall conduct biannual joint reviews of theComprehensive Articulation Agreement to ensure that the agreement is fair,current, and relevant for all students and institutions and shall report theirfindings to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee, including allrevisions to the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement and reports ofnoncompliance by November 1 of each year. The University of North Carolina andthe North Carolina Community College System shall also jointly develop anarticulation agreement advising tool for students, parents, and faculty tosimplify the course transfer and admissions process. 4, effectiveJuly 3, 2013, applicable beginning with the 2013 2014 school year. The Board of Governors shall submit to the Governor andthe General Assembly a single, unified recommended budget for the continuedoperation and expansion of the programs in the Center for School LeadershipDevelopment.

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