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" Edythe McNamee, the videographer who traveled with me on this trip, kept looking up into the craggy, jungle covered peaks near the capital and joking that a pterodactyl might swoop out at any moment. As we crossed a ridge on a two lane highway, we saw a part of Oahu that most tourists don't: the leeward side. It's so dry that it looks like Tucson or suburban L. A. Joe Heaukulani, 36, one of Kanu's volunteers, would later explain to me that this desert image also applies to voter turnout rates in the area, known as the Waianae Coast. Kanu tried to make maps of this area showing voters and non voters by house.

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, Suh, Y. , and Sang, Q. X. 2005Pre fractionation of proteins from crude biological samples prior to 2 D gelelectrophoresis. Abstracts of Papers, 230th American Chemical Society NationalMeeting, Washington, DC, United States, Aug. 28 Sept. 1, 2005, ANYL 246. 87. D. R. Hurst, M.

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